Wednesday 26 July 2017

Day 70: Haida Heritage Centre at Ḵay Llnagaay

There's only one road up and down Graham Island, approximately 100 km long. There is no bus service, but this makes hitch-hiking very easy. All the locals will stop and offer you a ride if they're going your way. It didn't take us long to get down to the southern end of the island, and our driver even stopped for a photo shoot on the beach at Balance Rock!

On the road again!

I got to sit in the back with the lumber. 
Even the dog had a better seat!

Balance Rock

Balance Rock

Our next stop was the Haida Cultural Centre and Museum, where we participated in a beach walk and a totem pole tour, watched the carvers in action, had lunch and toured the exhibits. After this we hitched a ride on to Queen Charlotte, just a few km farther down the road, and had a glass of wine with our friends Jim and Sharon on their sailboat before checking into our airbnb.

Kelp crab

Top of a Bill Reid pole, soon to be housed in a new museum extension

New pole for the future Queen Charlotte Hospital

Apprentice carvers at work

Haida canoes

Sara getting onto the boat with Sharon

With Sharon and Jim

I ❤ airbnb!

The view from our balcony tonight

View of the harbour

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