Monday 12 June 2017

Day 26: Washington-Pittsburgh by train

Off to Pittsburgh - on the train! What fun! The downside of travelling alone is that you have no-one to share the fun and excitement with. You have to keep a serious face as the big silver double-decker train pulls out of the station, like all the other travellers around you, who have probably taken that train many times before and find it perfectly normal and boring. I discovered rail travel in America the last time I was here, in 2014, after having taken countless road trips in the country and driving right across it twice with Auto-Driveaway. A cross-country road trip is fun, for sure, but the train is a different kind of fun!

First of all, America has the most magnificent train stations!

Union Station, Washington DC

Shops in Union Station, Washington DC

Union Station, Washington DC
If you want to travel a long distance by car, you need to get onto the freeway, and once you get onto the freeway, you don't see much other than the freeway and the other cars. The train, on the other hand, snakes through forests, past fields of corn, through towns...  Our route followed the Potomac River, which marks the state line between Maryland and West Virginia.

Bridge over the Potomac

Abandoned buildings by the railroad station in Martinsburg, West Virginia

Cumberland, Maryland

Cumberland, Maryland

Cumberland, Maryland

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