Friday 26 May 2017

Day 9: Québec - Montréal (253 km)

Before starting my road trip, I enjoyed a relaxing 24 hours birdwatching and tramping around the forest with my new friends Francine & Justin, who so kindly invited me to take a break at their riverside cottage after a busy week in Québec!

My hosts at their cottage

Working & birdwatching this morning
The birdfeeders outside all the cottage windows attract a colourful variety of hummingbirds, finches, jays and woodpeckers. Plus squirrels and chipmunks scurrying across the deck munching on the seeds that fall to the ground - plenty of entertainment!

Loading up the progmobile one last time!

Then off to Montréal on the 3:00 bus! And I'm finally on the road, heading west!

In Montréal I met up with Magali, my hostess for the weekend. I first met her one year ago when she stayed with Sara in Siena and I was exploring Tuscany on foot, going back to spend the night in Siena every evening. Magali told me that at the end of her travels around Europe last summer, she took a transatlantic liner to come back home - the Queen Mary II. I didn't realise you could still do that! I'll have to look into it for a future trip.

Magali with poutine!
The Montréal metro is still exactly the same as it was last time I was in the city, 30 years ago! And I arrived just in time to derive maximum benefit from the weekend illimité pass: valid from 6 pm on Friday night until 5 am on Monday morning, for only $13.75!

Le metrò

Ma maison! (for the weekend)

Ma chambre! That sofa looks very comfy!

Distance travelled: 253 km

Budget: Orléans Express bus ticket Québec - Montréal $62
Beer & poutine for two: $30
Weekend illimité metro pass: $13.75

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