Saturday, 20 May 2017

Day 3: Terra Incognita Festival in Québec

The day opened with a conference/presentation in which Fabio talked about his many music projects and answered fans’ questions. I was there to act as interpreter when necessary, i.e. whenever Fabio couldn’t think of the right word to say what he wanted to say in English – sadly, my French skills are not sufficient to translate into that language!

After the conference three of us headed into Old Québec for lunch and a quick walk around. It was a beautiful sunny day on a long weekend and so the old town was pretty packed. I am looking forward to exploring some more after the long weekend and the festival are over!

The afternoon was spent rehearsing in one of our hotel rooms – unplugged of course. First time I've ever rehearsed with a band on a bed!

Suddenly we realised it was time for the evening show to start at La Chapelle and send a hasty message asking one of the organisers to pick us up and take us there to hear the evening’s bands, Edensong and Glasshammer, both from the USA. We had no time for dinner so we had to settle for a packet of nuts and a chocolate bar from a nearby convenience store. At the venue we met another Italian group, the young guys from Il Paradiso degli Orchi, and the back two rows of the concert hall became the territory of a bunch of jet-lagged and starving Italian musicians!

Now this is more like what I imaged touring with a rock band would be like – practicing sotto voce in hotel rooms, skipping meals, fighting jet lag and hitching a ride back to the hotel in the back of a fan’s van!

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